In the article linked below, Modern Restaurant Management has a pretty slick list of digital marketing strategies that should be pretty effective in boosting your visibility and engagement with customers.
Digital Marketing Strategies to Boost Visibility and Engagement for Restaurants
Here’s the full list of strategies below.
Make it Easy for Customers to Find You
Leverage Social Media for Organic Engagement
Harness the Benefits of Social Advertising
Optimize Your Website
Monitor Feedback and Leverage the Positive
How CoGoBox Helps
On their own, all of these strategies are excellent suggestions. But what if we told you that CoGoBox makes it even easier to achieve several of them?
Guess what? It sure does.
For example, CoGoBox directly plugs your customers into social media – getting you more Followers, Shares, and Likes! The entire in-store CoGoBox experience is designed and engineered to promote organic social media engagement. It’s awesome, and it’s automatic.