You run a restaurant. You don’t want to have to worry about whether your computer is working or not. You have far more pressing issues – like whether the food is good, or if you have a full staff for the night.
Worrying about the technology in your restaurant might not be at the top of of your priority list. It should be.
With each passing year, technology becomes more relevant to everything we do in both our personal and professional lives. And if you work in the restaurant industry? If you’re not taking advantage of technology, then you’re behind-the-curve.
It’s not as bad as it sounds though. Investing in the right technology can actually make you money in the long-term. Let’s take you through these tech tips that are sure to help your restaurant succeed.
Make sure that you’re on social media
Seriously. I can’t overstate this enough. At the bare minimum, your restaurant should have a Facebook page. It’s important that you keep it updated with current information such as addresses, hours, etc.
You don’t have to hire a social media team to maintain your page either. Having a few quick posts a week will go a long way. Advertising your social media in-store isn’t too difficult either. Just add it to your menus, and throw a sign up.
Bring your website up to modern standards
Take a long, hard look at your website. Then take a look at your competitors’ websites. Then repeat the process, but do it on your phone and tablet. There are two things you should ask yourself here.
- Does your website feel modern? If your website feels like it’s ten years old, then it’s definitely time for a makeover.
- Is your website optimized for mobile? If you have to zoom in to read everything on the page, then it’s probably not.
If you’ve successfully answered both of these questions with a resounding “yes,” then you’re in good shape. You’ll get bonus points for outdoing your competitors. Oh, and you don’t need to be a web design expert to build a modern website that’s also optimized for mobile. There’s plenty of easy website builders that you can use (like Wix for example).
Get on board with digital marketing
Digital marketing’s a complicated game, especially compared to the tried-and-true methods of the past, and more traditionally-based advertising. Being the busy restaurant owner that you are, you probably feel like you don’t have the time to figure it all out. Well, you don’t necessarily have to.
That’s where CoGoBuzz, our state-of-the-art digital marketing service, comes in. Packed with a whole swathe of powerful features, CoGoBuzz digitally markets your restaurant affordably and automatically, requiring extremely minimal effort on your behalf.
Our service takes advantage of WiFi, SMS, and Email solutions to promote your restaurant directly to your customers’ mobile devices. Your menu, deals, events, and more, are all accessible in-browser, right when your customers connect to your HotSpot. Ditch the punch cards, revitalizing your restaurant with a fully digital, text-based loyalty program. Instantly engage and reward your customers with a simple text message! You won’t be able to keep them away. Check out the rest of our website to learn more about what CoGoBuzz can do for your restaurant.
Have any tech advice for restaurant owners? Sound off in the comments!