Did you know that 35% of people open emails completely based on the subject line? (Convince and Convert) That’s more than a third of your audience!
You could spend hours crafting the perfect email newsletter, only to result in a poor open rate. Just because the subject line wasn’t quite right.
Let’s get those emails opened. Here’s five quick tips to give your subject lines the help they need.
Don’t look like spam. Before we dive into what you should do, let’s talk about what you shouldn’t do. We all know what spam looks like. Take one look at your current spam folder and you’ll probably get a good idea. Poor grammar, all caps, and too many exclamation marks are just a few examples. For some people, if your message even remotely resembles spam, you’re toast. According to Invesp, 69% of people mark email as spam just because of the subject line.. Avoid resembling spam at all costs. Courtesy of Inc., here’s five rules that’ll help keep your emails out of the spam filter.
Leverage urgency. Some people receive more than a hundred emails in any given day. Even if someone makes a mental note to open an email later, it might just slips through the cracks. Write a subject line that gets them to open now. Something like “Today only! Save $10 on your next purchase” creates a sense of urgency. If the email isn’t opened now, that’s $10 of potential savings down the drain if the customer decides to wait.
Consider word count. If your subject line looks too long, then it probably is. It can be tempting to try and cram as much information as possible, but try to exercise a little restraint. Your subject line needs to get people to open. The email will convey whatever else needs to be conveyed. Invesp reports that subject lines with 6-10 words generate the highest open rates. Additionally, it’s important to note that a significant portion of people are using their smartphones to check email. If your subject line is too long, it might get cut off.
Peak their curiosity. Posing a question to your audience can be an effective way to get customers to open your emails. Promoting an event? Ask if they’re coming. How about a sale? Ask if they’ve seen it yet. A question implies that there’s something to be discovered. It adds a layer of mystery that begs the customer to just give the email a quick click.
Use their name. When an email is personalized, it gives customers the impression that the information being served is more relevant to their interests. It feels as if the email is being directly addressed to them. (Even though their name was automatically added in.) According to Yes Lifecycle Marketing, a personalized email subject line can give open rates a 50% boost.
Email Marketing With CoGoBuzz
Want to start building your email list automatically? We’ve got you covered with CoGoBuzz. Our service sets the industry standard for empowering your existing CRM and Email Marketing accounts.
Using in-business WiFi, our service collects profile information from guests via Facebook, Email Address, or Phone Number logins. We’ll develop full customer profiles, store them, and automatically send them to your Marketing List of choice, such as HubSpot, MailChimp, or Constant Contact. On top of that, CoGoBuzz comes packed with a wide array of incredible features, designed from-the-ground-up to revolutionize your mobile engagement with customers.
Click here to learn more about CoGoBuzz!
Have any subject line tips of your own to share? Sound off in the comments!